S is for Sarcopenia

Simple, Practical, Science-Based Tips for a Long Healthy Life Post written by Dr. Bob Murray Today, S is for Sarcopenia and why it matters to you and how you can avoid it as you age. The strong live long. That simple truth sums up the enormous impact that muscle strength and mass have on ourContinue reading “S is for Sarcopenia”

Can Creatine Help You Stay Mentally Sharp, Get Stronger, and Build Better Bones?

Why the interest in creatine? When 100-meter British sprinter Linford Christie won the gold medal the 1992 Olympic Games at the age of 32, he was the oldest athlete to accomplish that feat. To the sporting world, even more memorable than his winning time of 9.96 seconds was his use of creatine (pronounced Cree-ah-teen) andContinue reading “Can Creatine Help You Stay Mentally Sharp, Get Stronger, and Build Better Bones?”

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