Animal versus Plant Protein for Older Adults: Instead of Either/Or Try And/Both

Depending on your news feed, meat is either the biggest contributor to destroying the planet, should be avoided to prevent heart disease, or is a nutrient-rich food that is needed to help feed the over eight billion people on the planet. As with most headlines, we need to look beyond the clickbait and seriously considerContinue reading “Animal versus Plant Protein for Older Adults: Instead of Either/Or Try And/Both”

Why this dietitian reads beyond the headlines

Last week we all saw the headlines: “Processed meats do cause cancer.” “Bye, bye beef.” “Hot dogs cause cancer.” But, these are just a string in headlines meant to: (1) Get us to pay attention to the media that is flashing the headline, and (2) Scare us. The processed meat headline is just the latestContinue reading “Why this dietitian reads beyond the headlines”

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