G is for Gardening

Simple, Practical, Science-Based Tips for a Long Healthy Life If you enjoy gardening, like I do, you probably recognize it is a form of exercise, but you might not know that it can improve your heart health. So, G is not only for Gardening but also H for Heart Health.  A new study of overContinue reading “G is for Gardening”

H is for Hydration

Simple, Practical, Science-Based Tips for a Long Healthy Life Post written by Dr. Bob Murray Most everyone understands that staying well hydrated is a good thing.  We have all experienced what it feels like to be thirsty and we know firsthand what it feels like to be dehydrated as a result of physical activity orContinue reading “H is for Hydration”

B is for Blue Zones

Simple, Practical, Science-Based Tips for a Long Healthy Life If you are interested in longevity (and if you are reading this blog, you are!) then you know about the Blue Zones, areas of the world where people live long and live well. The Blue Zones gained national prominence in 2005 when Dan Buettner and hisContinue reading “B is for Blue Zones”

O is for Optimism

A to Z….Simple, Practical, Science-Based Tips for Optimal Aging Post written by Dr. Bob Murray People who lead exceptionally long lives (85 years or older) have frequently been studied to try to determine which factors combine to promote long healthspans, that is the number of healthy years of life. Is a long, healthy life associatedContinue reading “O is for Optimism”

S is for Soy

A to Z….Simple, Practical, Science-Based Tips for Optimal Aging April is Soy Foods Month, so it is a good time to dispel myths about soy and promote this plant-based protein. Many men shun soy because they have heard that it is feminizing (it is not) and women who have had breast cancer fear it willContinue reading “S is for Soy”

A is for Alcohol

Thank you for your suggestions and feedback on our new blog posts, A to Z….Simple, Practical, Science-Based Tips for a Long Healthy Life. Keep the ideas for blog posts coming and please share our posts on your social media feeds. Now back to A is for Alcohol. Who doesn’t love happy hour? Enjoying a drinkContinue reading “A is for Alcohol”


Since the launch of Food & Fitness After 50 in 2017, we’ve been asked hundreds of questions on how to age with good health and vitality. We’ve tackled many of your requests in our blog, Fit to Eat, and done a deep dive on topics in over 200 posts, although my nephew observed that sometimesContinue reading “FROM A TO Z … SIMPLE, PRACTICAL, SCIENCE-BASED TIPS FOR A LONG AND HEALTHY LIFE”

Israel, Egypt, and Jordan: Delicious Eats

After a 3-week trip to Israel, Egypt, and Jordan, I want to share some of my favorite dishes with you. Many of you have seen my photos of the amazing sights…..the Old City of Jerusalem, the Pyramids, the tombs, and Petra (but, if you haven’t seen them, check out my Facebook page!) but I didContinue reading “Israel, Egypt, and Jordan: Delicious Eats”

Animal versus Plant Protein for Older Adults: Instead of Either/Or Try And/Both

Depending on your news feed, meat is either the biggest contributor to destroying the planet, should be avoided to prevent heart disease, or is a nutrient-rich food that is needed to help feed the over eight billion people on the planet. As with most headlines, we need to look beyond the clickbait and seriously considerContinue reading “Animal versus Plant Protein for Older Adults: Instead of Either/Or Try And/Both”

Simple Food and Fitness Messages Are Not Working to Make Us Healthier or Happier. How Can We Change That?

If any of these lines sound familiar to you, you’re not alone. Why do our friends, family, and even strangers find it acceptable to guilt or shame us on our food or fitness choices? And consider your own actions….do you say similar things to people you know? You may pass it off as “just kidding,”Continue reading “Simple Food and Fitness Messages Are Not Working to Make Us Healthier or Happier. How Can We Change That?”

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